Tuesday 19 May 2015

It's Race Week, and, We Have a Job For You!

So after 24 weeks of training race week has finally arrived!  On Saturday we will be running The Sulphur Springs 50K Trail Race.  We are super excited, and with the holiday weekend it sort of feels like Saturday is sneaking up on us really quick!  Let's talk a little about what is happening in the Hanna residence for race week...

1)  I am already not sleeping.  We took an impromptu camping trip to Pinery Provincial Park on the weekend, and despite the post camping exhaustion I had last night I was still too keyed up to sleep.  Guess it's a good thing I'm working nights tonight...May as well work if I'm not sleeping anyway...Right...Right??

2)  Physiotherapy.  You may remember this post from a couple of weeks ago.  The KT tape was helping, and I was relatively pain free, and able to run my training runs.  Trouble is I could tell that I was not getting to the root of the problem.  I was able to get in for a massage and physio appointment last week and got some insight into what is going on.  The muscles that internally rotate my hip are tight, and the muscles on the outside of my ankle are tight.  Both of these things were causing me to be up on the outside edge of my foot, not allowing for proper shock absorption through the joint, and showing up as knee pain.  Our beloved Ben has left Speed River physio, but I saw a new(to me) PT who was AMAZING.  She released my ankle/foot and hip and gave me some exercises to do.  I've done them diligently and my leg is feeling great.  I see her again on Friday to get me all tuned up to race on Saturday.

3) Tapering.  After 24 weeks of training we are ready to taper.  Our runs this week are 4, 3, and 2 miles long.  We are going crazy.

4) Cleaning the house.  Tapering is something like nesting at the end of a pregnancy.  After having NO energy for months, all of a sudden there is something left in the tank.  I think, like pregnancy, it might be the subconscious knowledge that house cleaning is not going to be at the top of the priority list during 50K recovery.

5) Worrying about getting hurt or sick.  Lucas crafted a rainbow loom skipping rope at school today.  It is really something to behold.  He asked me to skip with it...NOT A CHANCE!!!  With my right leg hanging precariously in healthy territory right now, rainbow loom skipping is not in my repertoire.  I can see myself landing in emerg with a broken ankle after a freak skipping accident.

6) Carb loading!!!  We start to eat ALL OF THE CARBS tomorrow.  Which is actually sort of perfect since I am on nights tonight, and post night shift I ALWAYS want to eat all the carbs.  For our first 2 marathons we subscribed to the "eat all the candy" school of carb loading thought.  For the Hamilton Marathon last fall I leaned more towards carb heavy real foods, and my stomach thanked me.  Bring on the pretzel bagels and pancakes!

7) Stalking the weather.  We've seen forecasts for Saturday at low as 16 degrees and as high as 23 degrees.  I would pay Harold Hussein for a good 7 degree day.  Probably not likely.  Also hoping for dry weather through the end of the week to avoid a repeat of the slippy, muddy adventure from last years North Face Endurance Challenge in Blue Mountain.

And what is this job we have for you.  Participate in our 50K fundraising telethon!!!

This 50K is a stepping stone in our training for our 100K.  On Saturday morning, while we are out running we will be thinking about how we can best prepare for our 100K, we will be thinking of Cooper and how his experiences at Sick Kids lead us here, we will be thinking of all the kids and families who deserve to have hope for their children.  We would love it if you could think of us, and think of our cause,  and when you do log onto our fundraising page and make a donation to END KIDS CANCER.  We would love to come in after hours on the trail to donations rolling in for this very deserving cause!

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